Conceptual business to Uber-ify heavy equipment rental
Vision, Alignment, Market Research, Product design, Visual design, and Experience design for Eagle Engineering
Product Design
Visual Design
Eagle Engineering
Q1 2020
Researcher, UX Analysis, UI Designer
4 weeks
The Challenge

The client came to us with a business idea and industry knowledge. He asked us to explore the idea, research the industry on our own, and provide guidance and materials he could take to find investors.Extract product concepts from business owner's brain, generate concepts and plans, and create beginnings of a deck to use for pitch meetings


When we started the project, the understood output was a set of screens and some research. By the end of the engagement, the list of deliverables had grown to include the beginning of a pitch deck, more screens than initially agreed on, and research information included in the deck.


The process for this project was short and the scope and intent were ill-defined.


Since this was a Visioning engagement, the team consisted of myself and a UX Researcher, a Dev Architect, and and Project Manager/Business Analyst


To kick off the project, our team had a call with the client where we did our best to learn about his ideas, figure out his competitive advantage, and figure out exactly what he was looking for from this engagement.

Since the client does not have any technical knowledge or background we had to elicit the ideas for the business and the business's core product from the vague concepts he had in his brain.

We had opportunities to ask all the questions we wanted during weekly meetings following the initial kickoff/visioning workshop. The feedback and answers we acquired usually defined the direction we would take the project over the next week.

Market Research
The first priority for our team was to learn more about the construction industry at large, and to find out what the options are when it comes to renting equipment. Starting with two specific names that our client knew already, I found a landscape of competitors in different tiers and a variety of capabilities.
We decided to focus on the strategy and design concepts purely for the core set of functionalities that would be needed to build out a user base for the application. These functions were centered around searching inventory, customizing a rental, and completing the rental purchase. The client came back to us after we presented those and also requested that GPS tracking during delivery also be included in this first vision.
Wireframes and User Flow

At the end of the engagement, the client was really satisfied with the work we did for them. The information architecture work created some buzz and excitement with the stakeholders, and the new visual design approach definitely had many of the members of the client very excited for the potential future, while keeping the marketing group satisfied with the capabilities and priorities that the new design incorporates.

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